Painting after Painting after Painting, my job is not finished on this Earth!

“Never Give Up” is the key message, Tony wants to leave in your heart and soul, a dedicated artist adding feelings, beauty and Hope to all those who see him and his work.
“Pictures on your walls should have special meanings to you, I feel photos and paintings tell the story about your thoughts, your life. Artwork makes an average dwelling place into a Home.” Not only are Tony’s pictures beautiful and intricately detailed, but he also includes a brief, but powerful, Positive Message on the back of everyone of Tony’s pictures, to encourage all others to “Never Give Up”.
All of Tony’s paintings and drawings are created the only way he can, by grasping brush’s or fine line pens and pencils in his MOUTH. If his paintings and drawings could talk, they would tell you about the job of overcoming many obstacles and challenges. Even his own doctors are constantly amazed at what he has accomplished. Therefore, that’s why Tony says
“Never Give Up” no matter what!
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“Pictures on your walls should have special meanings to you, I feel photos and paintings tell the story about your thoughts, your life. Artwork makes an average dwelling place into a Home.” Not only are Tony’s pictures beautiful and intricately detailed, but he also includes a brief, but powerful, Positive Message on the back of everyone of Tony’s pictures, to encourage all others to “Never Give Up”.
All of Tony’s paintings and drawings are created the only way he can, by grasping brush’s or fine line pens and pencils in his MOUTH. If his paintings and drawings could talk, they would tell you about the job of overcoming many obstacles and challenges. Even his own doctors are constantly amazed at what he has accomplished. Therefore, that’s why Tony says
“Never Give Up” no matter what!
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Diff-Ability can over come a disability

Now that you have an idea of his message it’s time to learn and share his new word of the day, although it should be a new word in life, it’s called Diff-Ability, short for different abilities. Every person has Different Abilities. You cannot think of too many words that begin with those three letters dis that are positive. Dis implies the negative, for example, words like discouraging, disheartening and disadvantaged only focuses on your limitations why put a negative tone in the beginning of a person’s condition, isn’t that disturbing? Tony says, “That a disability is surrendering to your own problems, we all have some kind of limitations”. Moreover, Tony feels a Diff-Ability shows that we all have the chance and same Ability to Give and Offer others help, Tony wishes that the word Diff-Ability would make the word disability disappear.
To Earn your own way through life !

In 1959, Tony was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a birth defect called Arthrogrypososis, which locks up all of the joints in his arms and legs. This extremely rare condition left his limbs virtually useless. Less than two years old Tony was taken in as a foster child of the Jack and Evelyn Ryals family of five. This was the beginning of many miracles to come without the use of his arms for reaching or hands to play with toys, he developed amazing dexterity and coordination using only his Mouth and neck muscles. With his new family’s love and encouragement Tony was soon bringing home sketchy figures in simple elementary drawings of pets, places, family members, or anything that is stuck in his mind. This activity became his favorite Outlook to express his feelings it was like Tony’s Hopes and Dreams on canvas.
“My desire and hope is to earn my own way through life, with whatever abilities and talents God has given me. During my preteen years, I noticed how my brothers and sister had to earn their own personal money for things like movies, games, fast food etc... By mowing yards or babysitting. Our parents taught us a strong work ethic from early childhood. They had an impact on my longing to earn my own way through Life. Obviously, I could not earn money doing the same thing as my siblings and friends, so my search for jobs that I was capable of doing, began.
1974 proved to be a pivotal year in Tony’s life. While he noticed, his brothers and sisters were establishing their futures and careers. He couldn’t help but observe how many other disabled people were struggling and some to the point of giving up! Seeing how society leaves little alternatives for Independent living, for those lacking a strong spirit and voice. This was Tony’s first reality check about the real world. It deepened a desire to have some kind of stable career that would give him as much freedom from our great country’s government assistance program as possible. (Yes, even with all the imperfections and problems this country has, I feel that the U.S.A. is still the greatest country in the world.) People with disabilities face much higher living expenses. For example, wheelchairs, lifts, ramps, special bathrooms, that's and many other unique devices needed just to survive each and every day. Most people don’t even realize the extremely high cost of being disabled: it's really surprising how many people think the government or insurance covers everything, WRONG! Tony knows being self-employed he must earn enough money to cover these extra above normal expenses.
His quest and lifelong Goal for independence began, Tony became one of the first quadriplegics ever attend mainstream public school. This challenge was necessary for his development in society with the public along with furthering his education. While at Paxon Jr high school, Tony made its first sale, there was an exquisite detail pencil drawing of a Seminole Indian head which sold for $50, this was equal to his brothers mowing at least 10 yards, this dates back when there weren’t any self-propelled mowers. So a so a career was born. Soon his art was selling and competing successfully in many fine art shows, where even the judges and purchasers had no idea of his physical impairments.
“My desire and hope is to earn my own way through life, with whatever abilities and talents God has given me. During my preteen years, I noticed how my brothers and sister had to earn their own personal money for things like movies, games, fast food etc... By mowing yards or babysitting. Our parents taught us a strong work ethic from early childhood. They had an impact on my longing to earn my own way through Life. Obviously, I could not earn money doing the same thing as my siblings and friends, so my search for jobs that I was capable of doing, began.
1974 proved to be a pivotal year in Tony’s life. While he noticed, his brothers and sisters were establishing their futures and careers. He couldn’t help but observe how many other disabled people were struggling and some to the point of giving up! Seeing how society leaves little alternatives for Independent living, for those lacking a strong spirit and voice. This was Tony’s first reality check about the real world. It deepened a desire to have some kind of stable career that would give him as much freedom from our great country’s government assistance program as possible. (Yes, even with all the imperfections and problems this country has, I feel that the U.S.A. is still the greatest country in the world.) People with disabilities face much higher living expenses. For example, wheelchairs, lifts, ramps, special bathrooms, that's and many other unique devices needed just to survive each and every day. Most people don’t even realize the extremely high cost of being disabled: it's really surprising how many people think the government or insurance covers everything, WRONG! Tony knows being self-employed he must earn enough money to cover these extra above normal expenses.
His quest and lifelong Goal for independence began, Tony became one of the first quadriplegics ever attend mainstream public school. This challenge was necessary for his development in society with the public along with furthering his education. While at Paxon Jr high school, Tony made its first sale, there was an exquisite detail pencil drawing of a Seminole Indian head which sold for $50, this was equal to his brothers mowing at least 10 yards, this dates back when there weren’t any self-propelled mowers. So a so a career was born. Soon his art was selling and competing successfully in many fine art shows, where even the judges and purchasers had no idea of his physical impairments.
Loves to Fish

The closeness between Tony and his brother Rick is very special indeed. Together they develop ways to expand Tony’s abilities, such as pool, golf, bowling, scoring as high as 177, swimming, scuba diving, and even a little workout like weightlifting of up to123 pounds by only using his mouth.
Rick’s favorite activity is offshore fishing, often with his little brother, now you know it wasn’t enough for Tony to simply be a passenger, and take pictures of the excitement. With ingenuity they adapted a Pen International rod and reel so that Tony could actually fish using just his mouth with no electrical devices whatsoever. They felt that true sport fishing is the struggle of humans against fish soon they were competing in several tournaments such as the Florida Tarpon where the quarry often outweighs a competitor. With Rick at the helm and Tony clinching the chewed up real handle with his teeth they were skilled at bringing in fish many weighing over 200 pounds. Plus finishing second in the 1976 Tarpon tournament got them national attention. Picked up by various news media’s from newspapers, TV stations, and several magazines like the Florida Sportsman, Field & Stream, and even the National Inquirer. Tony says he is the only fair sports fisherman in the world, Mouth-to-Mouth Tug-of-War.
Whenever possible he would try to adapt things to make himself more independent to always get closer to things he wanted to do his way. Tony adapted a 35mm camera so that he could take pictures on his own, just sometimes help changing the film. Now in this digital age changing memory cards are less frequent but still needing some help.
Constantly searching for ways to express his life experiences he paints and draws endlessly usually from his own photographs and memories, like those fishing adventures were composed into elaborate detailed drawings one of them was called The Fishing Story, one of his first serious major undertaking, with well over 240 hours bent over a drawing table constantly drawing and erasing and making thousands of adjustments in shading and composition until Tony felt it was Right. It’s important to Tony to capture the pictures as his Heart sees it, Not! as camera could make them appear.
It was early values taught by Tony’s parents that emphasized the need for higher education. It was imperative that Tony learned reading, writing, and mathematical skills, to even have a chance of living an independent life. That in itself is and accomplishment that his own doctors said was an impossibility. Back in the 50s, when someone was born with a severe disability, that life expectancy was slim, and the doctors told Tony's parents not to expect him to live beyond six months, and after that, 2 years, then 6 years, and so on. But when those negative doctors, passed away themselves, Tony figured he could go on living. So negative doctors beware! with the power of God he might have those patients outlive you. Surprise!
Attending J.U. (Jacksonville University) majoring in fine arts, gave Tony a higher education with experience, practice, and confidence in his increasing abilities. He will always have special memories of the great instructors from the University. Finishing college with a degree in fine art and wanting to eventually teach art is a lifelong goal of Tony’s, but even with plenty of tuition funds there wasn’t nearly enough money to live on while attending college. So, the only way Tony believed he could be independent, with as little welfare help as possible, was to hit the road and participate in as many art shows and sales that he was physically able to do. Family and friends helped a lot with supplies and transportation needs, selling at the local art shows which eventually expanded to weekend shows in other states throughout the country.
Rick’s favorite activity is offshore fishing, often with his little brother, now you know it wasn’t enough for Tony to simply be a passenger, and take pictures of the excitement. With ingenuity they adapted a Pen International rod and reel so that Tony could actually fish using just his mouth with no electrical devices whatsoever. They felt that true sport fishing is the struggle of humans against fish soon they were competing in several tournaments such as the Florida Tarpon where the quarry often outweighs a competitor. With Rick at the helm and Tony clinching the chewed up real handle with his teeth they were skilled at bringing in fish many weighing over 200 pounds. Plus finishing second in the 1976 Tarpon tournament got them national attention. Picked up by various news media’s from newspapers, TV stations, and several magazines like the Florida Sportsman, Field & Stream, and even the National Inquirer. Tony says he is the only fair sports fisherman in the world, Mouth-to-Mouth Tug-of-War.
Whenever possible he would try to adapt things to make himself more independent to always get closer to things he wanted to do his way. Tony adapted a 35mm camera so that he could take pictures on his own, just sometimes help changing the film. Now in this digital age changing memory cards are less frequent but still needing some help.
Constantly searching for ways to express his life experiences he paints and draws endlessly usually from his own photographs and memories, like those fishing adventures were composed into elaborate detailed drawings one of them was called The Fishing Story, one of his first serious major undertaking, with well over 240 hours bent over a drawing table constantly drawing and erasing and making thousands of adjustments in shading and composition until Tony felt it was Right. It’s important to Tony to capture the pictures as his Heart sees it, Not! as camera could make them appear.
It was early values taught by Tony’s parents that emphasized the need for higher education. It was imperative that Tony learned reading, writing, and mathematical skills, to even have a chance of living an independent life. That in itself is and accomplishment that his own doctors said was an impossibility. Back in the 50s, when someone was born with a severe disability, that life expectancy was slim, and the doctors told Tony's parents not to expect him to live beyond six months, and after that, 2 years, then 6 years, and so on. But when those negative doctors, passed away themselves, Tony figured he could go on living. So negative doctors beware! with the power of God he might have those patients outlive you. Surprise!
Attending J.U. (Jacksonville University) majoring in fine arts, gave Tony a higher education with experience, practice, and confidence in his increasing abilities. He will always have special memories of the great instructors from the University. Finishing college with a degree in fine art and wanting to eventually teach art is a lifelong goal of Tony’s, but even with plenty of tuition funds there wasn’t nearly enough money to live on while attending college. So, the only way Tony believed he could be independent, with as little welfare help as possible, was to hit the road and participate in as many art shows and sales that he was physically able to do. Family and friends helped a lot with supplies and transportation needs, selling at the local art shows which eventually expanded to weekend shows in other states throughout the country.
A new Life, Wife and Children

Some days, thousands of people would watch in fascination at Tony’s Live Demonstrations of painting by Mouth. But he quickly learned the hard way, “that as nice and as precious as those encouraging comments are to hear they do not buy any food or put a roof over my family’s head.” Tony is always developing his fine arts skills, but now MUST have salesmanship. Tony says, “The very best compliments are hung on your walls”
Following years of hard work and determination as an artist earned him recognition from the mayor of Jacksonville and other various congressmen in Florida. Tony’s art received national coverage while being shown in the state capital building. Tony's art was also shown on CNN and the Today Show along with hundreds of other TV and newspapers across the country, some featured as great human interest stories.
Working with determination and tenacity that few understood, it’s always back to the drawing board even to this day it’s not uncommon for Tony to spend over 95 hours a week even straight through the night working on his Art of Hope and Dreams.
1981 was a very big year for Tony, not only did he advance in his artwork career. His hard work and personality caught the eye of an Angel Peggy Shaw from Orange Park Florida this magnificent event in his life happened at the Jacksonville Civic Auditorium (Times Union Center), during an art show, Tony knew that she was the one the Lord promised him, the very moment she spoke. By the second day a beautiful romance blossomed and an eternal love was sealed in marriage on March 5th exactly 5 months to the day they first met.
Tony says ”she’s the 24 hour physical attendant, which in itself is a full-time job. Not to mention my love, helpmate, driver, artwork framer, manager, organizer, cook, and then a Mother (GrandMother). In addition to everything else she also fulfills her commitment as a loving wife, she was truly sent from Heaven in Tony’s Mission in Life of “Never Ever Give Up” , which couldn’t even exist without her”.
Some of the most joyful moments in his life are being with his own two children; their beautiful daughter Melissa Sue born on February 6th, 1983 is truly a blessing from Heaven. See, with a extremely rare birth defect, I was always a little skeptical of having children, wondering if they would be physically normal or not. But still desiring to have a typical life with a family, to become a Father. Tony, trusted in his Eternal Father. So lo and behold, a Miracle was born. Not even a full year into their marriage Tony was a Father. Which gave him all the blessings, joys, yet worries and responsibilities that come with being a parent. Tony says “the first time I held any baby in my own arms was the proudest moment in my life this baby was my very own daughter Melissa! It’s a memory I will never forget it. Over nine years had passed in our family was blessed again with another truly Heavenly gift, a Son! Richard Dean Anthony, on August 25th, 1992. Both of our children were born physically normal. Wow Time fly’s more blessings have continued, because now I’m a proud Grandpa!”.
Following years of hard work and determination as an artist earned him recognition from the mayor of Jacksonville and other various congressmen in Florida. Tony’s art received national coverage while being shown in the state capital building. Tony's art was also shown on CNN and the Today Show along with hundreds of other TV and newspapers across the country, some featured as great human interest stories.
Working with determination and tenacity that few understood, it’s always back to the drawing board even to this day it’s not uncommon for Tony to spend over 95 hours a week even straight through the night working on his Art of Hope and Dreams.
1981 was a very big year for Tony, not only did he advance in his artwork career. His hard work and personality caught the eye of an Angel Peggy Shaw from Orange Park Florida this magnificent event in his life happened at the Jacksonville Civic Auditorium (Times Union Center), during an art show, Tony knew that she was the one the Lord promised him, the very moment she spoke. By the second day a beautiful romance blossomed and an eternal love was sealed in marriage on March 5th exactly 5 months to the day they first met.
Tony says ”she’s the 24 hour physical attendant, which in itself is a full-time job. Not to mention my love, helpmate, driver, artwork framer, manager, organizer, cook, and then a Mother (GrandMother). In addition to everything else she also fulfills her commitment as a loving wife, she was truly sent from Heaven in Tony’s Mission in Life of “Never Ever Give Up” , which couldn’t even exist without her”.
Some of the most joyful moments in his life are being with his own two children; their beautiful daughter Melissa Sue born on February 6th, 1983 is truly a blessing from Heaven. See, with a extremely rare birth defect, I was always a little skeptical of having children, wondering if they would be physically normal or not. But still desiring to have a typical life with a family, to become a Father. Tony, trusted in his Eternal Father. So lo and behold, a Miracle was born. Not even a full year into their marriage Tony was a Father. Which gave him all the blessings, joys, yet worries and responsibilities that come with being a parent. Tony says “the first time I held any baby in my own arms was the proudest moment in my life this baby was my very own daughter Melissa! It’s a memory I will never forget it. Over nine years had passed in our family was blessed again with another truly Heavenly gift, a Son! Richard Dean Anthony, on August 25th, 1992. Both of our children were born physically normal. Wow Time fly’s more blessings have continued, because now I’m a proud Grandpa!”.

Tony, has no idea what his life would be like, if his arms and his legs were normal, however he couldn’t even imagine or want to imagine life without his beautiful wife, children and grandchildren. Experiencing miracles throughout Tony’s life, can show us all the extreme love and power God
The actual making of Tony’s (Art of Hope) and Dreams, consist of three fundamental steps.
First: Tony usually likes to have a source of inspiration to capture on-canvas which mostly comes from his traveling. He has shown in at least 45 states, observing the different scenery, wildlife, and people which always inspires him to put his thoughts on canvas. He always has a camera on hand. Tony also has a massive collection of postcards from around the world. As customers learn of his collection, and sends him unique postcards from their area. These postcards usually come with a friendly message on the back, these simple gestures are really encouraging and gives him more painting ideas, and uplifts him to motivate others to always remember “Never Give Up”.
Second : Transferring his ideas or mental images from his head to his mouth, onto a stretch canvas. After getting the composition correctly done, he decides whether to make a detailed intricate drawing. Well-known for sharpness and fine line detail, or a Colorful Vivid Painting using many different styles of brushes. (Sometimes chewed up before the art is even done, Yes some brushes to taste worse than others)!
Third: if it is a drawing, Tony proceeds with a very delicate fine line felt tip pen. Tony must keep in mind about contrasts, shading, line work and a little pointillism. Remembering that once the ink is on there is no more erasing! One of the most hazardous things to happen when drawing by mouth is getting the hiccups! Don’t ever do this, also never ever sneeze! Drooling can be a disaster to. At least when painting with acrylics there is a chance to incorporate these mishaps.
All of Tony’s work represents poring over 40 years of his heart and soul, experiences to create this Art of Hope. No matter how long it takes, there is a part of Tony’s Heart in all his creations. If you look real close, you can actually see thousands of tiny strokes. Here's a challenge! Just try to count each and every menu line in a 1 square inch of one of Tony's drawings, and you’ll get a better understanding of how long it can take. The longest time a picture took to complete from start to finish with over 14 full weeks. This artwork ranges in various sizes from less than 1 inch to about 8 feet.
Pride, determination coupled with persistence plus the trials that put Tony where he is today. It is evident in his artwork. There have been occasions where he had spent days on end on a picture, just to be thrown away. All because it wasn’t what his minds eye saw or felt in his Heart. So just remember that the finished artwork that you are looking at is what Tony’s (Art from the Heart) sees.
Each original piece of artwork is all put together solely by the close friends and family. Soon even his grandchildren will be working in this family business. Sometimes his brother helps by doing a lot of the mat cutting. Tony’s cousin Keith up in Callahan Florida works on the fine reproduction work for his black-and-white drawing lithographs plus brochures .
The actual making of Tony’s (Art of Hope) and Dreams, consist of three fundamental steps.
First: Tony usually likes to have a source of inspiration to capture on-canvas which mostly comes from his traveling. He has shown in at least 45 states, observing the different scenery, wildlife, and people which always inspires him to put his thoughts on canvas. He always has a camera on hand. Tony also has a massive collection of postcards from around the world. As customers learn of his collection, and sends him unique postcards from their area. These postcards usually come with a friendly message on the back, these simple gestures are really encouraging and gives him more painting ideas, and uplifts him to motivate others to always remember “Never Give Up”.
Second : Transferring his ideas or mental images from his head to his mouth, onto a stretch canvas. After getting the composition correctly done, he decides whether to make a detailed intricate drawing. Well-known for sharpness and fine line detail, or a Colorful Vivid Painting using many different styles of brushes. (Sometimes chewed up before the art is even done, Yes some brushes to taste worse than others)!
Third: if it is a drawing, Tony proceeds with a very delicate fine line felt tip pen. Tony must keep in mind about contrasts, shading, line work and a little pointillism. Remembering that once the ink is on there is no more erasing! One of the most hazardous things to happen when drawing by mouth is getting the hiccups! Don’t ever do this, also never ever sneeze! Drooling can be a disaster to. At least when painting with acrylics there is a chance to incorporate these mishaps.
All of Tony’s work represents poring over 40 years of his heart and soul, experiences to create this Art of Hope. No matter how long it takes, there is a part of Tony’s Heart in all his creations. If you look real close, you can actually see thousands of tiny strokes. Here's a challenge! Just try to count each and every menu line in a 1 square inch of one of Tony's drawings, and you’ll get a better understanding of how long it can take. The longest time a picture took to complete from start to finish with over 14 full weeks. This artwork ranges in various sizes from less than 1 inch to about 8 feet.
Pride, determination coupled with persistence plus the trials that put Tony where he is today. It is evident in his artwork. There have been occasions where he had spent days on end on a picture, just to be thrown away. All because it wasn’t what his minds eye saw or felt in his Heart. So just remember that the finished artwork that you are looking at is what Tony’s (Art from the Heart) sees.
Each original piece of artwork is all put together solely by the close friends and family. Soon even his grandchildren will be working in this family business. Sometimes his brother helps by doing a lot of the mat cutting. Tony’s cousin Keith up in Callahan Florida works on the fine reproduction work for his black-and-white drawing lithographs plus brochures .
I know where my gift comes from, Do You?

Tony, gives all the credit and glory of his blessed talents to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gives all of us strength, guidance, Hope, passion, and unlimited love. Tony often feels not really as an artist but one of those instruments used by the true Master, Artists and Creator of all things. It amazes Tony to see what works the Lord does through all of our unique unperfected and meek bodies. Tony states, (“that God works miracles through me, not with my feet or even my hands, but through my MOUTH!.”) furthermore, (”I know, painting and drawing are only a few talents and blessings given, which leads me to conclude that I must have a special purpose in life.”) Tony prays that everyone that sees him paint this way, will realize that it’s not Tony alone but God is with him, and therefore is with all us. He continues to claim that, (“God is the only one that gives everybody a Gift, a Talent, a Purpose, or some kind of means to help, work and earn their own way through life. This is a Diff-Ability God blessed us all with! To earn your own way through life is what I feel is the American Dream is based on.
Encouraging words from people at the art shows help Tony realized that he does make a difference in people's lives, and can uplift others that might be feeling down and depressed. This in itself gives Tony a wonderful feeling of having a Purpose in Life, Plus this gives him strength and motivation to overcome those daily aches and continuous pains throughout his body, and those re-occurring bedsores and wounds from sitting all day.
The only time Tony gets a little frustrated is when people don't realize that this is his livelihood and only source of income, As Tony says “it's my job. It just so happens to be a job that I love to do. “Kind of onlookers will say that’s a nice hobby you have, or it’s great you found something to pass the time away. So Please realize that this is Tony’s lifelong career ever since he was just nine years old he knew this would be more than just a fun hobby to pass the time. He takes pride in the fact that even those overpriced wheelchairs and all the rest of those specialized equipment, came mostly from the art sales, yes when he gets too sick, and in the hospital he does rely on some government agency for help. Tony Ryals art, can be proudly hung up on your wall. It’s a real conversation piece that will uplift and motivate you, your family, and all of your guest. His artwork can be a heart warming thoughtful Gift, as a positive message of Hope.
“Let this Art of Hope, be a True Gift of Hope.”
Tony participates in various arts and craft shows throughout the country, performing live demonstrations of his drawing and painting by mouth. Talking to others about his difficult ordeals, followed by his vast accomplishments, this is an emotional plus rewarding event to hear. He loves to give live demonstrations, talks, especially great with a question and answer time for the captive audience. He gives motivational speeches and art shows, at civic centers, schools, universities and various clubs. Tony’s favorite is to encourage people in hospitals and rehab centers. Tony really relates to other patients and clients, and even the staff at these facilities. Learn about overcoming their own ordeals. Tony feels that his main goal in life is to change that negative word disability into the helpful word Diff-Ability, because with Diff-Ability we can all help others.
When you have that capability of helping others, it seems to make your own troubles fade into a distant past. “When I am helping others, It's like I'm not in a wheelchair at that time. I feel more capable! I have an ability! I feel needed! and many times Loved! Helping others gives everybody's life some Hope! and Hope! gives you a better desire to live.
Tony Prays to be a Light of Hope and Inspiration to others around the world. To share this concept that everyone has a disability, but then everyone’s disability is really a Diff-Ability. And think of this! when things aren’t going the way you would like, or it seems like everything is going way wrong, just remember Tonys statement! (“ if I can do all this without the use of my arms or legs! then what’s your excuse?”)
If you or anyone you know, would like to have its uplifting artist come and present a Live Demonstration of Tony painting with his Mouth, plus a special talk that will leave a positive lasting impression on all those who hear to your place or event. then just contact Tony
Then hurry up and EMail me at or call me at 1 (904)-955-4673 or write me at home 1750 Dibble circle East, Jacksonville fl, 32246-8712
Encouraging words from people at the art shows help Tony realized that he does make a difference in people's lives, and can uplift others that might be feeling down and depressed. This in itself gives Tony a wonderful feeling of having a Purpose in Life, Plus this gives him strength and motivation to overcome those daily aches and continuous pains throughout his body, and those re-occurring bedsores and wounds from sitting all day.
The only time Tony gets a little frustrated is when people don't realize that this is his livelihood and only source of income, As Tony says “it's my job. It just so happens to be a job that I love to do. “Kind of onlookers will say that’s a nice hobby you have, or it’s great you found something to pass the time away. So Please realize that this is Tony’s lifelong career ever since he was just nine years old he knew this would be more than just a fun hobby to pass the time. He takes pride in the fact that even those overpriced wheelchairs and all the rest of those specialized equipment, came mostly from the art sales, yes when he gets too sick, and in the hospital he does rely on some government agency for help. Tony Ryals art, can be proudly hung up on your wall. It’s a real conversation piece that will uplift and motivate you, your family, and all of your guest. His artwork can be a heart warming thoughtful Gift, as a positive message of Hope.
“Let this Art of Hope, be a True Gift of Hope.”
Tony participates in various arts and craft shows throughout the country, performing live demonstrations of his drawing and painting by mouth. Talking to others about his difficult ordeals, followed by his vast accomplishments, this is an emotional plus rewarding event to hear. He loves to give live demonstrations, talks, especially great with a question and answer time for the captive audience. He gives motivational speeches and art shows, at civic centers, schools, universities and various clubs. Tony’s favorite is to encourage people in hospitals and rehab centers. Tony really relates to other patients and clients, and even the staff at these facilities. Learn about overcoming their own ordeals. Tony feels that his main goal in life is to change that negative word disability into the helpful word Diff-Ability, because with Diff-Ability we can all help others.
When you have that capability of helping others, it seems to make your own troubles fade into a distant past. “When I am helping others, It's like I'm not in a wheelchair at that time. I feel more capable! I have an ability! I feel needed! and many times Loved! Helping others gives everybody's life some Hope! and Hope! gives you a better desire to live.
Tony Prays to be a Light of Hope and Inspiration to others around the world. To share this concept that everyone has a disability, but then everyone’s disability is really a Diff-Ability. And think of this! when things aren’t going the way you would like, or it seems like everything is going way wrong, just remember Tonys statement! (“ if I can do all this without the use of my arms or legs! then what’s your excuse?”)
If you or anyone you know, would like to have its uplifting artist come and present a Live Demonstration of Tony painting with his Mouth, plus a special talk that will leave a positive lasting impression on all those who hear to your place or event. then just contact Tony
Then hurry up and EMail me at or call me at 1 (904)-955-4673 or write me at home 1750 Dibble circle East, Jacksonville fl, 32246-8712