School Event Uplifting message "Never Give Up"

I'm not sure who gets more out of these school visits, with my talks, live demonstrations of painting by mouth and art showings, the students and teachers or Me? The idea of demonstrating and speaking at schools came from visiting children's hospitals, where their parents and teachers that were visiting the children heard me and kept inviting me over to their schools. Stating that it's a shame that impressionable kids had to wait to go to a hospital to be motivated on “Never Give Up!”. The response from students are so amazing. It truly encourages me with my mission in life. I have actually had the privilege of meeting some of the students from over a decade ago, that has personally thanked me for the message that they still remember and pass along to their kids. These encouragements that we share with each other, gives us all Hope and Hope is what gives us life. Therefore my “Art of Hope” is what gives me life.