Ocean and Seaside views

Click Here ! to see all the detailed Ocean Scenery
I've done.from the sandy, rocky beaches to the the bold and the magnificent lighthouses and of course ships and boats traveling from home base calm Waters to extremely rough weather looking for their lighthouse a beaming light of hope for the lost and weary.
You can see my passion for the waters of this Earth. Just imagine that basically all life here on earth depends on this water.
I've done.from the sandy, rocky beaches to the the bold and the magnificent lighthouses and of course ships and boats traveling from home base calm Waters to extremely rough weather looking for their lighthouse a beaming light of hope for the lost and weary.
You can see my passion for the waters of this Earth. Just imagine that basically all life here on earth depends on this water.
Marine Life. Sea Life.

Scenery and Places

Religions, Beliefs, Fantasies

Flights and Outer Space

Structures, Buildings

Native Americans

Pets are Like Family!

Click Here to see more of my pet Art, and yes some of these paintings are of my own families PETS
Between me and my brothers and sister growing up, and my family with my kids and our grandkids, I bet we have had over 200 various pets like cats, dogs, ferrets, turtles to birds and even a monkey. Pets have always been a part of our family. most of them have worked out for the natural lives like fish. Some were actually two, wild spirited for us to keep. My little family members are always growing in numbers, it's really hard to say no to your children, even though it's the parents, Us that will most likely take care of these pets. kids are funny when they want something they look at you with those cute little puppy dog eyes, just like a new little puppy or kitten looks at you, it's so hard to say no to that until you're overwhelmed with too many pets. And all pets just like your children grow up and lose that cute, adorable face.
Between me and my brothers and sister growing up, and my family with my kids and our grandkids, I bet we have had over 200 various pets like cats, dogs, ferrets, turtles to birds and even a monkey. Pets have always been a part of our family. most of them have worked out for the natural lives like fish. Some were actually two, wild spirited for us to keep. My little family members are always growing in numbers, it's really hard to say no to your children, even though it's the parents, Us that will most likely take care of these pets. kids are funny when they want something they look at you with those cute little puppy dog eyes, just like a new little puppy or kitten looks at you, it's so hard to say no to that until you're overwhelmed with too many pets. And all pets just like your children grow up and lose that cute, adorable face.
Farm Life

Wild Life

Flowers, Plants and Trees

Butterflies and Insects

Click in this section to look at all my insects and so much more.
When you first think of the word insects, most people think creepy Crawley, little bugs, but then once you think of dragonflies or butterflies and ladybugs and so many other colorful, beautiful insects you realize some of them do add beauty to this world. I love the look of butterflies and dragonflies delicately flying around here adding color and freedom to the skies. so come on in this section and look at my ever-growing collection of insects
When you first think of the word insects, most people think creepy Crawley, little bugs, but then once you think of dragonflies or butterflies and ladybugs and so many other colorful, beautiful insects you realize some of them do add beauty to this world. I love the look of butterflies and dragonflies delicately flying around here adding color and freedom to the skies. so come on in this section and look at my ever-growing collection of insects
Birds of A Feather

Click Here ! To see my other feathered friends For instance, here are some beautiful lovebirds to left, that seem to be so romantic sometimes I wish we would watch them and learn. So be smart, romantic and show your companion some wonderful compassion and love.
Think of how wonderful this world would be if we would all show our companion our Love your heart. Just like all the different colorful birds of the world Be different. Expand your mind. Spread your wings and fly around free as a bird helping others.
Think of how wonderful this world would be if we would all show our companion our Love your heart. Just like all the different colorful birds of the world Be different. Expand your mind. Spread your wings and fly around free as a bird helping others.
Variety Odds and Ends

Click here ! See all my other paintings that are a mixture of beautiful designs that really don't follow in any category but are very detailed, intriguing, and special to my heart, because all my pictures are art from the heart and I'll go crazy if I don't let it out.
I truly know that the master creator of all God my Savior has touched all of us with some of his glorious talent. So if you're in tuned with our Gods will and love. I know he will show you what your great gift or talent can be, to show others that are lost, that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.
Like to the left of here. A sample of one of the greatest gifts of talents to be given to all human beings, the gift of sound the gift to hear the gift of voice or a gift to play a musical instrument, all of these glorious gifts are from God for his and our pleasures the smooth our soul to comfort us, to give a calm and peace of mind like a piece of heaven itself.
I really do Pray and Hope that this talent I have been entrusted with will show that All thinks are possible, Nothing is impossible as long as you "Never Give Up!" And believe in Yourself and GOD. If I can do all these paintings with just the use of my MOUTH ! Then what is your Excuse. " Never Give Up, Never Quit, and Never Ever say I can't because it's actually saying can't means won't and wont's are cowards."
I truly know that the master creator of all God my Savior has touched all of us with some of his glorious talent. So if you're in tuned with our Gods will and love. I know he will show you what your great gift or talent can be, to show others that are lost, that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.
Like to the left of here. A sample of one of the greatest gifts of talents to be given to all human beings, the gift of sound the gift to hear the gift of voice or a gift to play a musical instrument, all of these glorious gifts are from God for his and our pleasures the smooth our soul to comfort us, to give a calm and peace of mind like a piece of heaven itself.
I really do Pray and Hope that this talent I have been entrusted with will show that All thinks are possible, Nothing is impossible as long as you "Never Give Up!" And believe in Yourself and GOD. If I can do all these paintings with just the use of my MOUTH ! Then what is your Excuse. " Never Give Up, Never Quit, and Never Ever say I can't because it's actually saying can't means won't and wont's are cowards."